Conference Theme:  Projecting Light into Hollywood's Shadows:
Trans/National Cinemas and Cultural Identity

The Visual Studies Project at the University of Southern Mississippi, in
conjunction with the College of International and Continuing Education, the
College of the Arts, the Department of History and the Department of Radio,
Television & Film announce the First USM Conference on Film and
International Studies to be held February 10-12, 2000 at the University of
Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, Mississippi.  The conference will
convene concurrently with the Southern Mississippi International Film

From the end of World War One up to the present day, Hollywood films have
dominated the world's movie screens.  Endeavoring in the shadows of
Hollywood, global cinemas have employed myriad economic and aesthetic
strategies to compete with and contest Hollywood's hegemony.  National
governments, for instance, have consistently attempted to foster domestic
film production as a method of combating imported mass culture and its
perceived detrimental effects on national identity.  But just how
"national" are national cinemas?  Conversely, to what extent can Hollywood
cinema itself be viewed as an inter- or transnational cinema?  Global
cinemas, including Hollywood, have rarely been purely "national"
enterprises.  To the contrary, hybridity and the intervention of
international capital, technology, and personnel have often marked world
cinema.  The program committee invites proposals and panels that explore
questions of cultural identity within these transnational contexts of film
production, representation, and reception, both historically and during the
present moment.

We solicit a broad range of papers representing diverse geographic foci and
methodological approaches.  Papers which problematize notions of national
and regional cinema are especially encouraged.

Possible topics include (but are not limited to):

*  national cinemas, representation, and the construction of national identity

*  analyses of individual films

*  transnational film stars/directors

*  reception of Hollywood and/or national cinemas abroad

*  national cinemas, the global marketplace, and questions of language,
subtitling , and dubbing

*  national cinemas and propaganda during wartime and peace

*  transnational racial discourses and global cinemas

*  subordinate cultures and national cinemas (including the US)

Please submit abstracts of papers (250 words) and of panels (including
abstracts of each paper) no later than November 19, 1999 to:

Brian O'Neil
Department of History
University of Southern Mississippi
Box 5047
Hattiesburg, MS 39406-5047

Tel.:  601-266-4333 or 601-266-6494
Fax:  601-266-4334
email:  [log in to unmask]

For more information see the festival website:

Final program decisions will be made by December 6, 1999.  Selected
conference papers will be published in a special issue of The Southern

Brian O'Neil
[log in to unmask]

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