Gloria Monti suggests:

>         I was quite surprised to read such a plea on Screen-L.  And I
> am not so sure I should "save" a film whose market value amounts to
> $48 million.  Maybe my energies are best directed towards those indie
> gems that die a premature death after showing for a week at an art
> house in NYC's Greenwich Village -- as Godard put it: "in memoriam
> small films."

To give the film its due: Its director/writer does come from "indie"
roots.  Even though I actively disliked SPANKING THE MONKEY, Russell
has paid some dues.

And given that, in these parts, relatively big-budget, big-name films
like THE ICE STORM and BELOVED never even made it to town, despite
months of trailer promos in the theaters, the notion of "independent
film" becomes even more relative.  (Never mind that Disney has its
tentacles on the major "independent" distributor in the country.)

On the other hand, I'm certain that we'll never see a Godard film in
one of our chains, alas!

Don Larsson

Donald Larsson
Minnesota State U, Mankato
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