I just want to alert my fellow SCREEN-L subscribers to recent, current, and upcoming contributions from SCS members to the Opinion/Arts section of The Chronicle of Higher Education. We recently ran a piece by Andy Horton on humor in Balkan cinema. Steve Vineberg has written several insightful essays for us, the most recent on the effects of mass marketing on film-audience expectations. In the issue that will be arriving in your offices or libraries next week, Bob Kolker has an essay on the use of digital technology in film scholarship. And upcoming are film-related pieces by Alan Dershowitz and Krin Gabbard. These are just a few examples. I shamelessly trolled the April SCS conference searching for good subjects and good writers, and the hunt is ongoing. Unlike most film journal articles, our film pieces are for a general academic audience and focus on current or--better yet--upcoming releases. We don't run reviews or profiles, but we do look for provocative trend pieces (1,000 to 1,600 words) or unconventional takes on releases everyone assumes they understand. I hope that in your research, and just in your musings, you'll keep our pages in mind. Feel free to contact me any time at the coordinates below. And for those of you in interdisciplinary programs, bear us in mind, too, for pieces on media, theater, dance, music, visual arts and other creative endeavors, and feel free to pass this information along to your colleagues. Alexander C. Kafka Assistant Editor, Opinion/Point of View The Chronicle of Higher Education 1255 23rd St., N.W., Suite 700 Washington, D.C. 20037 202/466-1777 Fax: 202/452-1033 [log in to unmask] ---- Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite http://www.tcf.ua.edu/ScreenSite