Godard and Gorin's LETTER TO JANE Godard and Mieville's ICI ET AILLEURS and COMMENT CA VA? Some of the best. Glen. On Sat, 6 Feb 1999, DR J J JACOBS wrote: > I'm looking for examples of films or television programmes that use > still photography as an aspect of their mise-en-scene, particularly > those that 'energise' the photograph within the temporal continuity > of the film (e.g. using voice-over narration). I'd also be grateful > for reading suggestions ( I've looked at the Patrice > Petro collection, FUGITIVE IMAGEs, and take Sontag, Bourdieu and > Benjamin as read). > Any suggestions - from the opening of Chinatown to La Jettee! - most > welcome. > > Jason > > > Dr Jason Jacobs > Department of Film and Television Studies > University of Warwick > Coventry > CV4 7AL > > ---- > Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the > University of Alabama. > ---- Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the University of Alabama.