Kino is about to mail out both our new Film and Video catalogues, please read the following CAREFULLY if you are interested. If you are a current SCS member in the US you will automaticlly GET THE CATALOGUES so read no further. The 1999 NON THEATRICAL CATALOGUE is a listing of more than 300 titles that we RENT out on film ( you remember the stuff that comes on reels). We specialize in foreign language and Indepedent films as well as some classics. This years highlights include DR.AKAGI by Imamura, BROTHER by Balabanov and new prints ( both 16 & 35mm) of THE BICYLE THIEF. We only rent in the US & depending on the title Canada The 1999 VIDEO CATALOGUE has over 400 titles specializing in foreign language and restored silent classics. New titles include BRUTE FORCE, CONSPIRATORS OF PLEASURE and ARSENAL. We will ship many but not all titles outside the US & CANADA but all our tapes are NTSC only plus a small collection of DVD If you want EITHER catalogue please e mail me DIRECTLY at [log in to unmask] You can browse the current list of VIdeo titles at our web site Jessica Rosner Kino 800-562-3330 (and for once this DOES reflect Kino's views) ---- Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the University of Alabama.