Issue 5 of the electronic journal 'Screening the past' is now on-line.
It contains two articles on Chinese cinema:
       * 'A spring river flows east': "progressive" ideology
               and gender representation, by Bret Sutcliffe
       * Woman as spectacle in Zhang Yimou's "Theatre of
               punishments", by Jeannette Delamoir.
Continuing our interest in film archiving, and the implications of this
for film scholars, is:
       * Film history and film preservation: Reconstructing
               the text of 'The joyless street' (1925) by
               Jan-Christopher Horak.
Finally we include:
             * Composing the past: music and the sense of history
               in Hollywood spectacles of the 1950s and early
               1960s, by Hannu Salmi.
There is also a republication of:
             * Recovering the past: rare films screened in Korea,
               by Professor Cho Hee-Moon, introduced by Chris
Book reviews include:
             * Peter B. White on Ronald Genini: 'The death of
               broadcasting: media's digital future'.
             * Dave Sanjek on Rebecca Coyle (ed): 'Screen
               scores: studies in contemporary Australian film
             * Adrian Martin on Darren Tofts & Murray
               McKeich: 'Memory trade: a prehistory of cyberculture'
             * Mike Walsh on Noël Carroll: 'Interpreting the
               moving image'
We are always pleased to receive feedback and unsolicited articles.

Ina Bertrand (editor)

(Dr) Ina Bertrand
Media Studies, La Trobe University, Bundoora, Australia 3083
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