I think that we should discuss and clarify what we mean by the term 'realism'. Just for once. Gloves off, no holds barred. Get it all out in the open, because many seem to be crossing boundaries, and confusing 'realism' with 'verisimilitude', 'neo-realism', 'cinema verite' etc. (I find it very confusing when this happens, and I'm sure the confusion is not intended.) Which films employ 'realism' or are 'realist'? Can we question the validity of each desciption? Etc., etc. That way, every time a film comes along which brings up the subject, we all have a common frame of reference. ---------------------- Damian Peter Sutton [log in to unmask] ---- Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite http://www.tcf.ua.edu/screensite