At least this is the name Bordwell/Thompson give to them.  I've seen
Godfrey Reggio's _Koyaanisqatsi_, and I have _Powaqqatsi_ at home from the
library that I haven't had time to watch yet.  I saw _Anima Mundi_ about
two weeks ago.  I also know about Ron Fricke's _Baraka_, but I have not
seen it yet, and the upcoming _Noyaqqatsi_.   Bruce Conner's films used to
be available on video, but I haven't been able to find them, and I know
they are discontinued, are there any other films of this specific
avant-garde type that are available on video?
I am also interested in narrative films which create this type of
aesthetic through certain points, like Michele Soavi's _The Church_ (which
he deems as _Koyaansiqatsi_ for teens hanging out at the mall) or Toshio
Masuda's _The Last Days of Planet Earth_.
Totally irrelevant, but last Thursday I saw a guy at a gas station who
could be on the cover of _Weekly World News_ for "Francois Truffaut is
alive!" if Francois Truffaut were better known to the readership of the
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