The last chapter of my gradually forthcoming book deals with how cinema
represents smell, emphasizing more how smell can be encoded in the
audiovisual image but also discussing "extradiegetic" techniques such as
Odorama. I've also given a couple of talks on the subject,
"Smell-o-vision" and "Olfaction and Intellection," which I'd be glad to
forward to your friend. An essay I published in Afterimage, "The Quays'
_Institute Benjamenta_: An Olfactory View," also deals with this subject.
You might also look for a recent article by Jim Drobnick in Parachute.
On more historical notes, my colleague Charles O'Brien tells me that
Marcel Pagnol diffused smells into the movie theatre during the premiere
screening of _Angele_, causing mass panic. Rick Altman mentioned to me
that he's seen advertisements in 20s trade publications for cooling
systems that also permitted pumping scents into the movie theatre. Other
examples include Griffith's burning incense at screenings of _Intolerance_.
Laura U. Marks
SSAC: Film Studies
Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Dr.
Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6
tel 613-520-2600 x3796
fax 613-520-3575
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