Eugene Walz wrote:
> About ten years ago there was an article (somewhere in an American movie
> mag) about Saul Bass's contribution to Psycho. I wish I could find the
> reference, but right now I'm stymied. Bass would be central to your study.
> Maybe someone else can provide the reference.
I don't have that reference, but I recalled reading about Saul Bass in Janet
Leigh's 1995 book, _Psycho: Behind the Scenes of the Classic Thriller_. Leigh
castigates Bass for claiming he directed the shower scene (he apparently
storyboarded it). As part of her case she quotes cinematographer Hilton Green:
"There is not a shot in that movie that I didn't roll the camera for. And I
can tell you I never rolled the camera for Mr. Bass" (p. 69).
Does anyone have information about when and why Bass was making the directing
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