Emmett Winn wrote: >As part of a research project I'm interested in--I'm looking for >suggestions for movies to investigate. Briefly: I'm looking for films >where characters of an "upper-class" (broadly defined: economic, social >etc) are "moralized, "emotionally healed," shown a "better" life >perspective, etc. by characters of a "lower-class" (again broadly defined). > >Further I'm primarily interested in mainstream contemporary Hollywood >cinema (made since about 1977 or so) that fit this very broadly defined >category. Some examples are: >White Palace, Titanic, Pretty Woman, & Passion Fish How about SIXTEEN CANDLES, BREAKFAST CLUB, MIGHTY DUCKS, D2, D3 (especially the first and third Mighty Ducks--they deal specifically with what you are interested in), and BABY BOOM? I realize these aren't "great" films, but they do offer some insights and fit your criteria. Of course, several deal with teenagers, but this is a vital part of our society. Cheers! Lisa :-) ======================================= "There is nothing revolutionary whatsoever about the control of women's bodies by men. The woman's body is the terrain on which patriarchy is erected." --Adrienne Rich ======================================= Lisa R. Barry Ph.D. Candidate The Pennsylvania State University 234 Sparks Building University Park, PA 16802 [log in to unmask] http://www.personal.psu.edu/lrb7 ---- To sign off SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]