Forwarded by Emmett Winn, please direct comments & questions off-list to Susan Brinson ([log in to unmask]). The Department of Communication at Auburn University is accepting applications for admission to their graduate program and for teaching assistantships. Auburn University offers a master's-only graduate program that provides students with solid theoretical and methodological foundations in a variety of Communication subjects, including interpersonal, small group, organizational, rhetoric, popular culture and mass communication. Students may select either a thesis or non-thesis course of study. Our graduate faculty are widely published in many different Communication and interdisciplinary journals and belong to a wide variety of professional organizations. Teaching assistantships are available on a competitive basis, offering stipends of approximately $7,500 per academic year and out-of-state tuition waivers. For more information about the Communication graduate program and assistantships please contact Dr. Susan Brinson, Dept. of Communication, 217 Tichenor Hall, Auburn University, AL, 36849-5211, or e-mail [log in to unmask] If you would like to apply to the graduate program, please contact The Graduate School at (e-mail:[log in to unmask]) or >=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= >Dr. Susan L. Brinson >Associate Professor and Graduate Program Officer >Graduate Program Officer >Department of Communication >217 Tichenor Hall >Auburn University, AL 36849-5211 > >phone: (334)844-2762 >fax: (334)844-4665 >e-mail: [log in to unmask] >web page: > > >=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ---- Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite