i can't recall whether I put this post here or in another venue.
Saw parallels between ALIEN II and STARSHIP TROOPERS in terms of a future
capable of producing laser  disintegrator   blaster  disrupter technology
   yet the confrontation is between troops with hi tech machine guns  and
 bug like aliens or downright bugs in ST   this enables close killing (or
being killed), human wave tactics and all the other tropes out of WWII films.
In ALIEN II it was clear Viet Nam was being recuperated, refought, rewon.
ST's situation is more problematic to interpret, given the lack of local wars
to be recuperated, particularly since the last time we went up against the
degraded repellant colonials -- in Desert Storm -- we stamped them into the
ground. Anyone think ST is a reprise of Desert Storm? If so, why so?
HR Greenberg md endit
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