Her new movie, "The Tango Lesson", is also premiering. If you
> would like me to transcribe a few quotes from her about these films, let me
> know.
> Jeff
        Sally Potter brought *Tango Lesson* to the Venice FilmFest.  I
attended the press conference and asked a question to which she responded
in a less than satisfactory way.  I made a comment regarding the
the reversal of the male gaze--which I found interesting.  Potter is both
directing and starring in the film, in which she plays a film
writer/director turned dancer.  The camera often lingers on the male body
performing tango sequences.  However, this reversed scopophilia is
1)undermined: the female is longingly gazing at a man who does not love
the woman back; and
2)recuperated narratively with a happy ending.  About these two points,
Potter said that "love is a lot more complicated than that."
        Not what I expected from such a thoughtful director.
        Gloria Monti
Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the 
University of Alabama.