From Edupage:
>Fourteen scholarly and educational groups, including the American Council on
>Education, the American Library Association and the National Humanities
>Alliance, have issued a statement formally announcing their opposition to
>the proposals recently developed by the Conference on Fair Use.  The
>Conference adjourned in May for at least a year, with participants
>acknowledging the lack of consensus among the academic organizations,
>publishers, software developers, and music and video producers that took
>part.  The dissenting groups pledged their efforts to ensure that fair use
>rights would continue to apply to educational and scholarly uses of
>copyrighted material on computer networks and in other digital formats.
>(Chronicle of Higher Education 13 Jun 97)
Has anyone heard any more details on this proposal and the impact it might
have on media studies?
Jeremy Butler
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Telecommunication & Film/University of Alabama/Tuscaloosa
Online resources for film/TV studies may be found at ScreenSite