NEW E-MAIL DISCUSSION LIST: KINEJAPAN A DISCUSSION LIST FOR JAPANESE FILM AND IMAGE STUDIES The members of Kinema Club (, the internet's only site devoted to the study of Japanese film and moving image media, are pleased to announce the inauguration of KINEJAPAN, the first e-mail list of its kind specializing in discussions on Japanese cinema and other image media. Anyone interested in Japanese moving image media, from scholars to film fans, is welcome to join KineJapan and participate in our talks. Anything related to Japanese image media is open to discussion: feature film, television, magic lanterns, anime, documentary, experimental film and video, as well as the social, economic, and historical factors that are deeply intertwined with these media. (For those only interested in discussing anime, however, we remind you that there are already lists devoted to that.) We also encourage the posting of announcements about new films, conferences, publications, film festivals, and other events relating to Japanese image media that might be of interest to our subscribers. KineJapan is a discussion group with members from countries all over the world. While most of the discussion will be in English, we welcome postings by subscribers in their native tongues and in particular encourage Japanese subscribers to post in Japanese if that is what feels most comfortable. KineJapan is an unmoderated list, which means we leave it up to subscribers to moderate themselves. In the end, we conceive of all subscribers as fellow scholars working together to achieve a greater understanding of Japanese film and image culture. With recent triumphs at Cannes and other international film festivals, Japanese film is again becoming the center of international attention. We hope KineJapan will become an important means of understanding such new works and their predecessors as well as their their place in Japan, Asia, and the world. To SUBSCRIBE to KineJapan, send an e-mail, leaving the subject line blank, to: [log in to unmask] In the text of your message (not the subject line), write: subscribe kinejapan firstname lastname Example: subscribe kinejapan Matsunosuke Onoe You can also subscribe by accessing the KineJapan home page on the Kinema Club site: Kinema Club was formed several years ago with the goal of providing greater access to information on Japanese film and moving image media. The site already contains an extensive bibliography of non-Japanese writings on Japanese film, reviews of recent Japanese films, a list of currently rentable 16mm films, guides to internet resources for Japanese cinema, and other resources. We are also looking for members who are willing to help us expand and up-date the site. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the list owner: Aaron Gerow [log in to unmask] ---- Screen-L is sponsored by the Telecommunication & Film Dept., the University of Alabama.