At 04:52 PM 2/15/97 -0800, you wrote:
>For a quickie turnaround article on psuedonymous Oscar nominations, I was
>hoping somebody might be able to list for me a few writers of the blacklist
>era who were nominated for (and/or won) Oscars under other names.  I recall
>that in the last couple of years, a blacklisted writer was (posthumously, I
>believe) credited for a screenwriting Oscar, but I can't recall the specific
>writer or film and don't have any clue as to any others.
Shawn, I think you're referring to Carl Foreman, who co-wrote Bridge on the
River Kwai, uncredited because of the blacklist, which won the best
screenplay Oscar.  Foreman received that Oscar posthumously in 1985.
Barbara Bernstein                       San Francisco, CA
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