To *All* College Humanities Instructors:
>                        **Call for Student Essays**
>The authors of a first-year English Composition rhetoric are seeking
>student essays that adhere to any or all of the traditional writing
>activities: explaining/evaluating subjects, arguing a position,
>interpreting texts (film, literature, pop culture), problem-solving, etc.
>The essays should be exemplary. If accepted, copyright waivers will be
>required, with the student-authors agreeing to have annotations, formative,
>and summative comments addended to the work. Writers must also include a
>short autobiography.
>The essays--typed, double-spaced, any length--may be submitted via
>e-mail or may be snail-mailed.
>To submit an essay, please include a brief cover letter explaining the
>purpose and audience for the piece, along with any process notes or
>author's comments, to:
>                 Patrick Bjork: [log in to unmask]
>                                -and-
>                 Richard Cummins: [log in to unmask]
>Or snail-mail the essays to:
>Patrick Bjork
>Dept. of English
>Bismarck State College
>1500 Edwards Avenue
>Bismarck, ND  58501
>Richard Cummins
>Arts & Humanities
>Columbia Basin College
>2600 N. 20th Ave.
>Pasco, WA  99301
>For additional information, please contact:
>Patrick Bjork, Bismarck State College
>E-Mail:     [log in to unmask]
>Voice:      701.224.5575
>Fax:        701.224.5551
>Richard Cummins, Columbia Basin College
>E-Mail:            [log in to unmask]
>Voice:     509/547-0511, ext. 379
>Fax:        509/546-0401
>Thank you for your participation!
Patrick Bjork
Dept. of English
Bismarck State College
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"Nothing of him that doth fade but doth suffer a sea change into something
rich and strange."--Shakespeare's _The Tempest_
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