Hello, list! I hope you will forgive my poor English, since I am not a native speaker. I am working on a Ph. D. on Dracula. I am sending here some of the most common bibliography on horror, sexuality and cinema, which has not yet been mentioned. I hope it is of any use to Tanita or any of you. Greetings from the Pyrenees, Ignacio. Palumbo, Donald 1987. Eros in the Mind's Eye: sexuality and the Fantastic in Art and Film. London: greenwood Press. Rockett, Will H. ????. Devouring Whirlwind: terror and Transcendence in the Cinema of Cruelty. London: Greenwood Press. Tudor, Andrew 1989. Monsters and Mad Sciences: a cultural History of the Horror movies. Oxford: Basil Blackwell. Freeland, Cynthia A. 1995. Realist Horror. In Freeland, Cynthia A. and Wartenberg, Thomas E. (eds) 1995. Philosophy and Film. London & New York: Routledge. Creed, Barbara 1993. Dark Desires: Male masochism in the horror film. In Cohan, Steven and Hark, Ina Rae (eds.) 1993. Screening the Male: exploring masculinities in Hollywood cinema. London and New York: Routledge. Waller, Gregory A. 1987. American horrors: Essays on the Modern american horror Film. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press. Grant, Barry Keith 1984. Planks of Reason: Essays on the Horror Film. Metuchen, N.J., and London: The Scarecrow Press, Inc. On the issue of Dracula, you will find virtually every reference you need (with comments) in Gelder, Ken 1994. Reading the Vampire. London: Routledge. ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]