It's now nearly 90 years since the first international attempts were
taken to control ilicit drugs in 1909 at Shanghai. Today the world is
facing levels of heroin production unprecedented in recent history,
ten times higher than the last "plague" of the 1970's. Heroin has
now become a global commodity insinuating its way into much of
the third world and the emerging democracies of Eastern Europe.
Dealing with the Demon is a three part series which examines how
this came to be and what can be done about it. Each film
interweaves contemporary human stories with crucial scenes from
the history of the drug trade which has now grown to become the
second largest industry in the world.
This series provides the hidden background which is essential to
understanding the global nature of the drug trade and the ongoing
debate about what to do about ilicit drugs in society.
Filmed in fifteen different countries (in Asia, United States,
Australia and Europe) at considerable risk to the filmmakers,
Dealing with the Deamon is a compeling view of one of the
darkest aspects of recent history.
For a closer look at this documentary,

Laura Jauregui
[log in to unmask]
OneWorld Magazine
Seek & Explore
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