What sorts of messages are inappropriate for SCREEN-L? 1. *Personal* attacks on individuals. Healthy disagreement and differing opinions are welcome, but when that disagreement turns into venomous insults and hateful verbal assaults it will not be tolerated. 2. Comments that have absolutely, totally, fundamentally *nothing* to do with the study of film or television. The study of film/TV is interpreted *very* broadly. E.g., it's fine if someone wants to discuss Vietnam War policies and then at the end of his/her post ties it in with the films of Oliver Stone. But if a poster rambles on about the beauty of the autumn leaves in Vermont this weekend (with no reference to the semiotics of foliage in autumnal film/TV), his/her message will not be distributed. 3. Personal notes to individual SCREEN-L subscribers. 4. LISTSERV maintenance requests inadvertently sent to SCREEN-L. If you are trying to UNSUBSCRIBE from SCREEN-L or otherwise change your subscription, you must be sure to mail your request to [log in to unmask], *not* to [log in to unmask] To UNSUBSCRIBE from SCREEN-L, put the following message in the first line (after the SUBJECT line and all the rest) of a message addressed to [log in to unmask]: UNSUBSCRIBE SCREEN-L 5. Posts that duplicate information that has already appeared on SCREEN-L. If someone asks what "rosebud" was in CITIZEN KANE, only *one* reply will be distributed. 6. Messages that quote many lines from a previous SCREEN-L message and then add a short comment (e.g., "I agree!"). 7. Discussion about SCREEN-L itself. There are exceptions to this-- such as when new SCREEN-L policies are being debated. But, in general, comments about the list should be directed to its moderator rather than to the group as a whole. 8. Requests for jobs in film/video production. Very few persons who do the hiring for film/video jobs read SCREEN-L. There are better, more professionally oriented forums for this sort of post. 9. Inordinately long posts--say, over 200 lines. SCREEN-L is designed for the interchange of messages. Longer essays, however, may be stored in SCREEN-L's archive (called SCREEN-L FILELIST) so that SCREEN-L users may request them. For more infomation, contact Jeremy Butler. ===================================================================== Jeremy Butler [log in to unmask] SCREEN-L Moderator [log in to unmask] Telecommunication & Film Dept. * University of Alabama * Tuscaloosa ===================================================================== ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]