Dear Mike, On references to PEEPING TOM, you can start with Michael Powell's second autobiography, I believe called "Million Dollar Movie," which was published in the States last year. The book you refer to is "Powell, Pressburger and Others" by Ian Christie, published by the BFI. Ian followed that up with another, fuller length study of them called "Arrows of Desire" which came out in paperpack by Faber in the last year or so. There are many, many extreme responses to PEEPING TOM over the years in the British film magazines and more realistic views of it in Sight and Sound after Powell's death. Film Comment also did a special issue a year or two ago on Powell and Pressburger that had a decent article on the film. There is also the Criterion laserdisc version of PEEPING TOM which has a second soundtrack which I'm told to fairly mixed opinions, the issues you're discussing. I hope that helps! Dennis Doros Milestone Film & Video ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]