The Society for Cinema Studies invites proposals for the 1997 conference
on the special topic of Cinema(s) in Canada.
The heterogeneous, even fragmented, nature of Canadian cinema--with its strong
national traditions in animation, documentary, and experimental film and
post-1960s feature film and TV production--poses a specially relevant challenge
to film scholars.  Emanating from multiple institutional sites--as varied as
national or provincial
governments, private sector businesses, or regional, indepndent and aboriginal
practices--this work has been continually inflected by the bilingual and
multicultural nature of Canadian society, with manifest effects at the
level of theatrical exhibition/distribution, festivals, critical literatures,
and broadcas, cable and newer technologies. The cinema in Canada has contours
that are never simply national, as it must also include the experience
of film and visual cultures from outside Canada's national borders, notably
those of the U.S. and France, to cite only the most obvious examples. </p>
The special topic Cinema(s) in Canada calls for a frame
of reference which includes, but is much broader than, Canadian cinema
itself. Panels and papers are invited which speak to the variety of narrative,
generic, stylistic, linguistic, and cultural pactices that have informed
the past and present of the production and circulation of the cinema,
television, and video in Canada.
Further Information:
Available on SCS's Web page on SCREENsite
The Chair of the 1997 Conference Program Committee is
David Desser
Unit for Cinema Studies
University of Illinois
2111 FLB/707 S. Mathews
Urbana, IL 6l4801 USA
Office phone: 217/244-2705
Office fax: 217/244-2223 (for inquiries only; no proposals will be accepted via
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