There is an article by someone named Edward R. O'Neill in issue no. 38 (September 1995) of *CineAction*--a special issue entitled *Murder in America*. The title is: "The Seen of the Crime: Violence, Anxiety and the Domestic in Police Reality Programming." The author claims that the reflexivity and stylistic excess of police reality programming do not produce any kind of defamiliarization, as theorists of cinema (and the documentary) have long claimed they should, but rather serve to reinforce the spectacular and phantasmatic aspects of these texts. He goes on to link the genre to mutations of the private and public spheres within the genres of melodrama and horror, while arguing that Foucault's shift from spectacles of punishment to an internalization of discipline is not as complete as one might have imagined. I am not sure whether the argument is correct or not, but it might be worth looking at. Sincerely, Edward R. O'Neill UCLA ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]