>Mark Pizzato asks: >"Unfortunately, we didn't quite get to a discussion of how two female characters >"save" Cole in both time periods: the psychiatrist and the "insurance" >scientist. I just saw Dead Man Walking and find an intriguing parallel with >Sister Prejean. Both films (though one radically fictional, the other >disturbingly factual) show men trapped by perverse/ethical systems, who need >women, as romantic, maternal figures, to help them find sanity, ethical >responsibility, and spiritual hope (if not physical freedom). > >Is this a trend in current film? Would anyone like to trace precedents? Does >this popular depiction of a cinematic pieta show a stale archetype, an >oppressive stereotype, or a new power for women in mainstream film?" I think there are lots of precedents -- this male/female dynamic is almost a cliche in older films, especially Westerns, where the woman comes into the lawless, perverse, amoral town and shows the hero how to be civilized and responsible (but not *too* civilized). In HIGH NOON, for instance, Grace Kelly's character even has a religious influence on Gary Cooper -- she's a Puritan, as they make a point of mentioning, and is about the only character wearing white in that dusty outlaw town. Is it a stale archetype, an oppressive stereotype? I think it's seen a little too often -- it's much more interesting to see women like the Linda Hamilton character in the TERMINATOR films, doing much of the action herself and participating in the struggle rather than trying to ameliorate it. And it was a little annoying in 12 MONKEYS that Madeleine Stowe turned out to be just a Bruce Willis sidekick in the end, the little helpmate. What if she'd been the lead? But I wouldn't fault a film like DEAD MAN WALKING for that same thing -- there's really only one way the Sister Prejean character could behave, and it makes sense in the movie. She, like the Western women, has her own kind of gentle, civilizing power against -- and for -- the amoral antihero (this is the dynamic played to the extreme). We've seen it over and over, but it's still powerful in Robbins' context. Molly Olsen [log in to unmask] ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]