Forwarded by Jeremy Butler.  E-mail queries to [log in to unmask]
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Date:    2/13/96 5:39 PM
1996 marks both the 100th anniversary of film in Scotland & the 50th
anniversary of the Edinburgh Film Festival.  To commemorate these events,
Aberdeen University Cultural History Group are pleased to announce a major
international conference from the 26th to 28th August 1996, to be run in
association with the Drambuie Edinburgh Film Festival (11th-25th August).
The major aim of this interdisciplinary conference is to explore the
relations between Film, Culture & History, but it will also extend the
theme of this year's Drambuie Edinburgh Film Festival - Films that
changed the World.  Proposed areas of discussion include: film &
subversion; film & national identity; gender, race & film culture;
non-narrative traditions; questions of European cinema.  Further
suggestions are welcome.
Abstracts for papers, which should be no longer than one page in length,
should reach the conference committee at the address below by the
15th March 1996.
Further information can be obtained from:
Colin Whatford, Conference Director, Film:Culture:History
Cultural History Group
Old Brewery
Aberdeen University
Regent Walk
Aberdeen AB9 2UB
Scotland UK
Tel: (Int+44) 01224 272457: Fax: (Int+44) 01224 272369:
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