From: Tony Williams
 One instance occurs in Nixon. The meeting between John Dean and E. Howard
Hunt near the bridge on a dark Washington night. It never happened. As the
footnotes in the published screenplay points out, the meeting is fictionally
constructed for dramatic purposes.
  Also, what about Stone's use of montage techniques in certain cases. E.G.
the riderless horse intercut with Nixon's meeting with Hoover and Tolson after
the horserace. It visually suggests a parallel with the documentary footage
of the riderless horse during JFK's actual funeral thus suggesting implicitly
Hoover's involvement in RFK's assassination. Larry Cohen also made a similar,
indirect visual suggestion via rough editing in THE PRIVATE FILES OF J. EDGAR
HOOVER (1977).
  However, these are more instances of dramatic licence rather than historical
revision but it is hard to separate both particularly in an era noting the
blurring of boundaries between documentary and fiction, reality and fantasy
etc, etc.
   Tony Williams
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