Hello, fellow H-FILMers and SCREEN-Lers.  A colleague at Framingham
(Mass.) State College, Arthur Nolletti Jr., has asked me to notify the
members of these lists that he is completing an anthology on Fred
Zinnemann for SUNY Press and is seeking a person to contribute an essay
on _A Man for All Seasons_.  If you wish to reply to his request, please
contact him IMMEDIATELY at the following e-mail address:
        [log in to unmask]
Please do not reply to me, as this will only delay things.  Thanks so much.
--Marty Norden
  OO       Martin F. Norden
  [_]<|    Dept. of Communication                 [log in to unmask]
  /|\      University of Massachusetts/Amherst    fax: 413 545-6399
           Amherst, MA  01003     USA             tel: 413 545-0598, 545-1311
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