Has anyone mentioned _NO ESCAPE_ starring Ray Liotta? It has considerable footage in the beginning set in (at least) one futuristic maximum security prison and then the action is transposed to a prison colony where the most incorrigible convicts are abandoned to a savage fight for survival among warring factions, remotely supervised (electronically of course) by prison authorities. A glimpse of the not-too-distant future? Utilizes many of the classic themes/cliches of prison movies. BTW has Liotta ever turned in performances up to the level of _GOODFELLAS_ (which incidentally also has some excellent prison scenes) or _RESERVOIR DOGS_ (he's on parole)? Is he some kind of natural born gangster-actor? David Smith (902)454-3087 [log in to unmask] "Multimedia Design Studio"-- http://www.isisnet.com/dsmith/index.html ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]