hi. look into emerson college in boston mass. it's an excellent communications school that gives you a lot of hands on experience. in addition to the classes that start using the equipment right away, the proffessors really know their stuff, and there are a great number of organizations that will get you out using the equipment and actually doing things rather than sitting and learning about it in a class. to get info from someone other than me write to: Emerson College 100 Beacon Street Boston Ma 02116 i'm a student who transfered in from another college and i absolutely love it here. i'm a tv major and after one year here i already am producing my own show through one of the organizations, have interned at a local cable station, and help in producing a weekly news show through EIV (one of the major organisations) in adition to a bunch of other things. check it out. the opportunities for film are just as great. ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]