>Date sent:      Mon, 11 Sep 1995 16:33:00 EDT
>Send reply to:  Film and TV Studies Discussion List <[log in to unmask]>
>From:           "Tonelli, Melissa" <[log in to unmask]>
>Subject:        X, Y and Zee
>To:             Multiple recipients of list SCREEN-L <[log in to unmask]>
>Does anybody know who distributes a film entitled "X, Y, and Zee" starring
>Elizabeth Taylor, Michael Caine and Susannah York?  It is a British film
>(British title was "Zee and Company") made in 1972.  I'd like to rent a 35mm
>copy, but 16mm will do.
>Thanks in advance.
>Melissa Tonelli
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Try : Columbia Tri Star Home Video
    3400 Riverside Dr.
    Burbank, CA
    (818) 972-8193
    Fax: (818) 972-0937
They may be able to direct you to the party that can cop an
actual print.  Good luck!
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