State University of New York at Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY Elizabeth Ann Kaplan Humanities Institute 516 632-7765 10-Sep-1995 08:54am EDT FROM: EAKAPLAN TO: Remote Addressee ( [log in to unmask] ) CC: Marilyn H Huether ( MHUETHER ) CC: E. Anthony Hurley ( AHURLEY ) CC: Mikle Dave Ledgerwood ( MLEDGERWOOD ) Subject: African Lit (&Film!) Conference at Stony Brook I am writing to inform you all of a Call for Papers on relevant film topics for the upcoming African Literature Association Conference being hosted by Stony Brook this year. I am on the committee, which is Chaired by Anthony Hurley in French Studies. The conference will run from March 27 to 31 1996, and its theme is "Migrating Words and Worlds: Pan-Africanism Updated." Writers Kamu Brathwaite, Shimmer Chinodya, Sonia Sanchez are doing key notes, and we are still hoping to bring Chinua Achebe. For the main film event, I am working with Manthia Diawara to bring the Mali film director and his brand new film (soon showing at the New York Film Festivel) GUIMBA THE TYRANT. Diawara will also show his new documentaries about Jean Rouch and Sembene. We will have other film showings daily at the conference site. Please submit proposals for film panels or send in individual paper proposals which the committee can form into panels as appropriate. All questions and completed forms should be sent to Prof M.D. Ledgerwood, Dept of French and Italian, University at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, N.Y. 11794-3359. Phone 516-632-6914; FAX 516-632-9612; email [log in to unmask] If you send a message to [log in to unmask] she will forward Call for Papers form to you to fill out by October 1st, please. Please forward this message to film scholars working in the areas of postcolonial film, African film, imperialism and film, alternate African American cinema, etc. Ideological, genre, feminist, historical, cultural studies, psychoanalytic approaches welcome. I'd be happy to forward more information as necessary. eak ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]