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Sender:       Film/Video Web sites discussion <[log in to unmask]>
Poster:       Jonathan Wells <[log in to unmask]>
Subject:      WWW Low Res Film + Video Festival
We have built a web site for our festival - The Low Res Film and Video
Festival. The event will take place October 21st 1995 in San Francisco and
January 6th 1996 in New York City.
The festival focuses on how computers and other digital tools are
affecting the way people make low-budget films and videos.  For instance,
we're interested in how a student might use Adobe Premiere to create
effects that a few years earlier could only be afforded by major
Hollywood films; how a producer at a company which makes commercials
using programs like SoftImage on SGI would use that same technology to
create his or her own films and how that personal vision would subvert
the original, intended use of the product;
or how an artist with very little money might use a Pixelvision camera to
inexpensively create their own videos.
Our World-Wide-Web site features descriptions  and short outtakes from
current entries, submission and event info, and the "Low Res Tool Kit"
descriptions of cameras, software and hardware, and links to film/video
related info.
Please check it out.
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