I am looking to buy a copy of _Japanese Pilgrimage_ by Oliver Statler.  It
seems to have been distributed by Veda Film(s) in Honolulu, HI around
1990-1992.  Several libraries hold copies in OCLC (#27447944), but I'd
like to get ordering information if anyone out there has it.
Many thanks,
Kimberly Hale, Acquisitions/Serials Librarian
Columbia College Library
600 South Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60605
(312) 663-1600, x355 (voice)  (312) 663-1707 (fax)
P.S.  I've checked Variety' Video Directory, Videolog, Film and Video
Finder (NICEM) and the Honolulu information for Veda Film (no listing)...
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