Forwarded by Jeremy Butler. Since ms#2 deals with TV I thought this might be appropriate for SCREEN-L. ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- PMC: Essays Currently Available for Peer Review Self-nominated peer-reviewers regularly participate in the editorial process of _Postmodern Culture_. All submissions distributed for review have been screened by the editors and will receive two other readings from members of the journal's permanent editorial board; _Postmodern Culture_ preserves the anonymity of both authors and reviewers in this process, but the comments of reviewers will be forwarded to the author. If you would like to review one of the submissions described below, and if you think you can complete that review within two weeks of receiving the essay, please send a note to the editors at [log in to unmask] outlining your qualifications as a reviewer of the work in question (experience in the subject area, publications, interest), identifying the MS by number as listed below, and specifying the manner in which you would like to receive the essay (electronic mail or World-Wide Web). We will select one self-nominated reviewer for each of the works listed below, and we will notify reviewers within two weeks. Information gathered during this process about potential reviewers will be kept on file at PMC for future reference, and may be made available for online searching by PMC subscribers seeking expertise in a particular field. Please note: members of the journal's permanent editorial board should not nominate themselves in response to this call. Manuscripts for review: MS #1: An essay examining the use and effect of the paramodern fragment in Derrida & Nietzsche, and Blanchott & Beckett, as well as in philosophy & "literature." Primary references are to Gregg, McGowan, and Bataille. MS #2: An essay which examines the relationships between the camp performance of Richard Simmons, his target female audience, queer sensibilities, and the shopping mall culture. Primary references are to Sontag, Sedgwick, and Dyer. MS #3: This essay discusses late capitalist management's desire to control and manage individuals and technology, and the relationship between the market, the consumer, the producer, technology, and information. Primary references include Deleuze & Guattari, and Peters. MS #4: An essay concerning the use of Deleuze's notion of sense/event in comprehending the events of the AIDS epidemic. Primary references include Lecercle, Frege, Foucault, and Haraway. MS #5: An essay examining Paul Auster's postmodern novels, specifically the relationship between writing and identity, dramatized in the tension between "the room" and "the book" as spaces the writer both lives in and is confined to. Primary reference include Jabes, Perloff, and Mallarme. MS #6: An essay examining the postmodern "intellectual rockstar" status of Roland Barthes and Peter Handke, via the (real) rockstar Eddie Vedder. Discussion of mothers, sons, language, and memory in works by all three figures. Primary references include Hassan, Kennedy, and Varsava. ---- To signoff SCREEN-L, e-mail [log in to unmask] and put SIGNOFF SCREEN-L in the message. Problems? Contact [log in to unmask]