----------------------------Original message---------------------------- On Sun, 30 Apr 1995 10:58:57 CDT Tony Williams said: >The reply concerning the level of instruction in Cinema Studies within >Canada is both highly insulting and ethnocentric. I would suggest the >recipient conduct further research into this area and note the presence >of scholars such as Peter Harcourt, Barry K. Grant, Richard Lippe, Kass >Banning, Robin Wood (retired but still occasionally teaching), Peter Baxter, >Caryl Flynn, Janine Marcessault, Kay Armatage, Florence Jacobwitz, Susan >Morrison, Brian McFarland, Scott Irwin and MANY MANY MORE who are at least >equal to (in several cases better than) many faculty teaching at these >supposedly more prestigious institutions. > I would also suggest some knowledge of the developing area of Canadian >Cinema taught at several of these institutions be mentioned in any future >discussions. Tony Williams. From: Frank Burke Film Studies Queens University, Can. Thanks to Tony Williams for his reply to Joey Schwartz re Film Studies in Can- ada. This is the second posting on the subject from Mr. Schwartz which I have found to be frustratingly inaccurate. Thanks also to Yves Level for pointing out the great strength of Quebec/Montreal as a center for film studies. [log in to unmask]