----------------------------Original message---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cal Pryluck, Radio-Television-Film, Temple University, Philadelphia <[log in to unmask]> <[log in to unmask]> SCREENsite -- A Film/TV-studies site on the World Wide Web URL:http://www.sa.ua.edu/TCF/welcome.htm ------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- I enclose the following call for 'special [video] reporters' as of potential interest to eram-list subscribers. Perhaps one or more of us would like to correct/modify current media representation of a particular ethnic group/story by filing the story themselves? Sincerely, ERaM Convenor Apurba Kundu ---------------------------------------------------------------------- From: [log in to unmask] (Loic CHARTIER) Subject: Become an international TV REPORTER !! Date: 11 Apr 1995 00:27:23 +0200 Hello! Are you interested in making short video reports? If it's the case, please read what follows! We are a french non profit organization. Our goal is to make next year an amateur TV SHOW. We are looking all over the world for people wanting to become one of our "Special Reporters". You have a personnal video camera? You work on VHS, VHS-C, 8 or Hi8 with the PAL, SECAM or NTSC system? You want to produce ( voluntarily ) a short report about something in your country and in your own language? THEN, E-MAIL US! Don't be affraid! We are amateurs but not exactly novices! Last year, in October 94, we produce a first Talk-Show, with Jean-Claude BOURRET and Simone GARNIER as our guests. ( TV-Stars, as famous in France as DAN RATHER is in the States! what a scoop!) We are waiting for your answers! Thanks in Advance... Loic CHARTIER, [log in to unmask] PS: The fact you are American, Australian, German, French or from any other country has no importance! <UNE TRADUCTION? E-MAILEZ MOI!> <A TRANSLATION? E-MAIL ME!> <EINE UBERSETZUNG? E-MAILEN SIE MIR!>