----------------------------Original message---------------------------- How right you are! The academy is a sham...a "club" if you will that recognizes it's own, and only varies from this when "forced" to. When WILL Morgan Freeman get the recognition he deserves? When will the awards stop being a foregone conclusion? Not to take away from Tom Hanks, who did fine jobs in both "Philly" and "Gump", but when will sentemintal, claptrap "SAFE" movies stop being put on a higher pedistal than they deserve? And don't get me even started on "Hoop Dreams"....or "Roger & Me" or "Think Blue Line" or "Shoah" All ignored by the Academy..... Oh, and a note on the DePalma DeBate: Even though I shy away from analysis, it's pretty obvious that the staircase scene in "The Untouchables" was, shall we say, "influenced" by "Potempkin"? I like the curved vs. straight staircase analogy...pretty neat...but here's an observation about that movie that people like ME talk about..... Notice in the scene where Sean Connery gets killed, the POV shot of the bad guy, walking along the window ledge, looking in on his victim (Connery). If you pay attention, you will see the unmistakable reflection of a white Steadicam vest, and the curly red hair of it's operator...makes for good laughs when operators get together (check out the Steadicam forum on AOL). Ok...that's my two sheckels worth... Mike ------------------------------------------------- [ Mike Sime ] It's not the time it takes to [ Video Schmideo! ] take the takes, it's the time it [[log in to unmask]] takes BETWEEN the takes, that [[log in to unmask] ] takes the time to take the takes. ------------------------------------------------- http://www.intac.com/~frelancr -------------------------------------------------