----------------------------Original message---------------------------- What ethical considerations, if any, might an actor have before booking a controversial movie or role? To what degree, if any, is an actor, or technician, responsible for an end product over which he has only minimal control? For instance, say a decidely anti-death penalty actor is offered a role in a movie with pro-capital punishment sentiments. Is that actor responsible for promulgating the death penalty? Betraying his own personal ethics? Or should his opinions be entered into the equation at all? We're not talking Brand Name actors here, like Brandos or Closes, who's very acceptance of a part implies endorsement of the central thesis, but the other 80,000 or so "generic" actors in the Screen Actors Guild. Analysts and academicians have the comfort of dealing with cinematic projects from a detached viewpoint. But "in the front lines", so to speak, very few actors or technicians enjoy the luxury of picking and choosing their jobs. Most take what they can get, make a little money, and hope to live to fight another day. Is there a line in the sand, and, if so, where is it? What about a nice nuclear energy commercial? Or how about a 30 second spot celebrating Dow Chemical Company's wonderful ecological legacy for the planet? Of course, in the final analysis, the decision needs be personal. I'm just curious as to how other actors and technicians handle this dilema (or if they handle it at all). Any thoughts out there?