----------------------------Original message---------------------------- I am putting together a directory of animation archives in the United States and I would appreciate it if SCREEN-L readers could tell me if they know of any special collections that should be included. I have the addresses of most of the larger collections at universities and government institutions, but it wouldn't hurt to get more information on them (in case one has been overlooked). What I'm really interested in at this point are lesser-known resources -- perhaps local libraries or even large personal collections that would be available for very limited use by scholars. I have applied for a grant from the NEH and, if funding is received, I will be putting the directory together during the 1995-1996 school year. Thanks for your help -- Maureen Furniss Editor, Animation Journal P.s. If any of you are writing on animation, I am also interested in reading essays for possible publication in Animation Journal. Animation Journal is a peer-reviewed, scholarly journal dedicated to animation history and theory. Its seventh issue (Vol. 4, No. 1) is currently in production. ********************************* * * * Maureen Furniss, Ph.D. * * ([log in to unmask]) * * Editor, Animation Journal * * Dept. of Film-Television * * Chapman University * * * *********************************