----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Leo Bankerson writes: "Could it be that the 'off screen stereo' has something in common with other curious effects like Sensurround or 3-D? Those effects were all (probably) meant to heighten the feeling of realism of a movie, yet they never became a generally applied technique. By leaving the screen and (so to speak) invading the theater they are indeed very realistically present, but they are equally distracting from the story-telling that is going on. I feel it shows that story-telling (isn't that what film is mostly about?) is something quite different from just imitating reality. In the first place: by following the story we are tuned to a single source of information (the screen). Everyting that falls out of the source, falls out of the story." Personally, I would agree with the above, but surround sound seems to b e accepted (or overlooked) in a way that the other devices mentioned were not. In other words, audiences seem to accept it (or am I wrong?). In regard to 3-D, there's a new OmniMax film out which is trying to revive the practice and I continually hear rumors of advances in holography and the like that may yet revive the practice. There *can* be potential for #-D beyond the shock effects that it was typically used for, though. I was lucky enough once to see a 3-D presentation of Hitchcock's DIAL M FOR MURDER, usually considered one of his "minor" works. But in 3-D, it takes on a new "dimension" both literally and figuratively. Not only are there typical -make-the-audience-feel-helpless-and-guilty flourishes (like the scissors jutting out of the would-be killer's back), but even in conversational scenes, the somewhat-artificial separation of planes enhanced by 3-D creates a physical and emotional separation of characters worthy of Antonioni! --Don Larsson, Mankato State U., MN