----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Michigan Feminist Studies, an interdisciplinary journal edited by
graduate students at the University of Michigan, is calling for
submissions for its 10th (1995-96) issue.  The theme of this upcoming
issue is "Differences Among Women."
Please submit manuscripts of 4000-6000 word length and double spaced.
Please be sure your footnotes (no endnotes) follow the MLA stylesheet.
All submissions should include:
--3 copies
--A 150-200 word abstract
--Institutional affiliation
--Address, phone number, and e-mail address
--A brief biographical note
Please send materials to:
Michigan Feminist Studies
Women's Studies Department
224 West Engineering Building
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI  48109-1092
Deadline: March 15, 1995
Our e-mail address is: michigan feminist [log in to unmask]
Note:  The theme for the next issue is meant to be interpreted broadly.
We apologize for any duplication of this notice on this or any other list.