----------------------------Original message---------------------------- On 2/23/95 Leo Bankersen wrote: ----------------------------Original message----------------------------On 10 Feb 1995 Don Larsson wrote:>I'm curious to know what others might think of a question that's been>bugging me for some time, to wit: Does movie stereo "surround sound">work?>>It strikes me that there's obvious justification for having noises come>from all sides when you're in a huge-screen environment (Cinerama,>Omnimax) but that it makes no sense and is just distracting when in a>typical shoe-box theater. Why, for example, should forest or traffic>noises (let alone footsteps or plot-related sound elements) be coming>from anywhere other than in front of you if that is where the image is? (...)>To hazard a guess at an answer to my own question, could it be that our>highly-touted "visual culture" is not as visually attuned as we like to>think, but is much more attuned to audio cues?I completely agree with the distracting effect mentioned above,but I would like to try a guess in a different direction.Could it be that the 'off screen stereo' has something in commonwith other curious effects like Sensurround or 3-D?Those effects were all (probably) meant to heighten the feelingof realism of a movie, yet they never became a generally appliedtechnique. By leaving the screen and (so to speak) invading thetheater they are indeed very realistically present, but they areequally distracting from the story-telling that is going on.I feel it shows that story-telling (isn't that what film ismostly about?) is something quite different from just imitatingreality.In the first place: by following the story we are tuned to asingle source of information (the screen). Everyting that fallsout of the source, falls out of the story.Second: The cues from the screen (image and sound) cause us toimagine a kind of 'story-reality' with story-space, story-timeand story-events. This however, is a 'mental' reality. We neverexpect it to be physically present around us, like in astage-performance.(Sorry for a bit late reply)Leo Bankersen Sorry for the lack of msg quoting marks, haven't figured out how to do that on this system yet. To the point, I have to strongly disagree with both of the above authors. I feel sound is as much an artistic part of a film as much as any other. Whether or not the filmmaker tries to create a sense of realism, or uses the sound to create something else, it is such an integral part. For example, there is nothing like the complete sound of a thunderstorm in surround sound, or THX. Or the sound of bullets flying over one's head in the theater(or, in my case, in my livingroom also). The music score usually fills the theater as well, as differentiated by the dialog coming only from the screen. This adds to the whole viewing experience, adding to the "bigger than life" sensation that films can imbue. As far as realism, I have yet to have an experience where a complete orchestra plays in the background as I ride off into the sunset with the heroine! On that note, I also agree there is a time and a place for added sounds going on in various places. That depends on the effect the filmmaker is going for. Yes we are beings with several senses, why should film be limited to only the visual? Sound, unlike other sensory gimmicks ie odorama, adds to the film experience.