----------------------------Original message----------------------------
From: Tony Williams
 For Newt's attention -
 1. Post Office. Jerry Lewis's HARDLY WORKING. People try to find Jerry a job
in this movie. They recommend the Post Office since nobody supposedly gets
fired for screwing up. Jerry does.
 2. Road Movies. Choices are manifold - EASY RIDER, TWO LANE BLACKTOP as
 "bad examples" of the demonic 60s era necessitating privatization of
 public highways. But, in a positive light, Wim Wenders' PARIS TEXAS
 because Travis re-unites his son with her mother therefore saving her
 from a disreputable life in the voyeir booth. Newt could therefore use
 this movie as an example of good family values and Ms. Kinski's future
 role as exemplifying a return to an American version of Mrs. Thatcher's
 Victorian values discourse in embodying the (19th cult of True Womanhood
 and Motherhood.
 3. Public Enemy. Tom Powers's "badness" could be explained in terms of the
    word "public" and its spread to socialist concepts of public ownership,
    public housing etc. Despite Tom's emulation of capitalist values, he
    really represents the bad working-class immigrant threat to the system
    due to the public realm attempting to get into the "private." Keep the
    upstarts down Newt!
4. Perhaps elements in the Center for Popular Culture may now wish to
   enter into this debate and add other readings and video choices to
   aid the Newt into certain byways of interpretation!