----------------------------Original message---------------------------- One of these days I'll stop tossing mailings on my desk. Some people have asked about the University Film and Video Assn. I now find that they can be reached by phone for any reasonable reason: 1(800)499-UFVA will get you into the most bizarre voice mail system (reorganized ordinal numbers: no more 1, 2, 3 ...) Anyway, the Third Annual Student Film Festival is an opportunity for students to get their work seen by leading people on a national tour of winners. Faculty have their opportunity to show work during the conference for discussion (you know, just like the folks who read papers). There will also be opportunities to read papers. Best of all, the UFVA may be the only remaining professional organization that features a picnic for informal activities. (One of my friends described the group as a bunch of people who like each other and get together once a year to drink beer.) This is only partially true; all of the usual professional reasons for conferencing obtain -- only these folks don't take themselves too seriously. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Cal Pryluck, Radio-Television-Film, Temple University, Philadelphia <[log in to unmask]> <[log in to unmask]> SCREENsite -- A Film/TV-studies site on the World Wide Web URL:http://www.sa.ua.edu/TCF/welcome.htm