----------------------------Original message----------------------------
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Date: Sun, 26 Feb 1995 16:28:01 -0600 (CST)
From: Patrick B Bjork <bjork@plains>
To: [log in to unmask]
Cc: [log in to unmask]
Subject: NEW List: Campus Action to Preserve Education Rights (fwd)
Subject: NEW List: Campus Action to Preserve Education Rights
** PLEASE REPOST **                                     2/27/95
To students, faculty and staff angry about proposed higher ed cuts:
To serve the growing campus movement to protest the attacks on higher
education, and specifically the plans to slash financial aid, we have
set up an email list to further communication by groups working to
stop this dangerous piece of the proposed "Contract With America."
The list is called CAN-ER (Campus Activists' Network, Educational
Rights); so far there are about 150 subscribers.  UCP's Center for
Campus Organizing is lending this email list to Student Aid
Action, US Pirg, and other groups to organize national action.
The list will provide information on both the March 21-5 week of
student lobbying to save student aid and the March 29 National
Day of Campus Action Against the Contract With America.
The list is "screened" to avoid excess email volume by Sarah
Lund of Student Action Coalition at Kent State.  You are invited to
subscribe to the email list; you may unsubscribe at any time.
1. TO SUBSCRIBE, send email to:  [log in to unmask]
   with a subject of "canet" whose body just says:
        sub can-er Firstname Lastname
2. TO SEND A MESSAGE to the list, you must be subscribed.  E-mail it to:
        [log in to unmask]
3. TO UNSUBSCRIBE, send email to:  [log in to unmask]
   with a subject of "canet" whose body ONLY says:
        unsub can-er
4. TO RECEIVE ONE DAILY DOSE of email instead of separate messages, put
   the word "digest" after your last name in your subscription request.
For a list of Campus Activists' Network discussions, send email to:
        [log in to unmask]
For more information please contact:
Student Aid Action, 795 Livermore Ave., Yellow Springs, OH  45387
 513-767-9607 22 hour hotline       email:[log in to unmask]
Student Action Coalition, Box 68, KSC, KSU, Kent, Ohio  44242-0001
 (Please E-mail for phone number)   email: [log in to unmask]
 Contact person - Sarah Lund, Director
UCP Center for Campus Organizing, Box 748, Cambridge, MA  02142
 617-354-9363 11am-7pm              email:[log in to unmask]
US PIRG Higher Ed. Project, 218 D St. SE, Washington, DC  20003
 202-546-9707 -- Ivan Frishberg     email:[log in to unmask]
Other higher education advocates:
NAGPS -- National Association of Graduate and Professional Students
 Tony Rosati, Information Exchange Coord.  [log in to unmask]
US Student Association, 815 15th St. NW, Washington, DC  20005
 202-347-USSA -- Laura McClintock   email:[log in to unmask]