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Subject: Thesis on Woody Allen and modernity
Author:  [log in to unmask] (Ragnhild Paalsrud) at SMTP-LINK
Date:    2/14/95 2:48 AM
I am a student at the University of Oslo and I am currently writing on my
masters thesis in mediastudies. I am writing about how Woody Allens films
(that is Annie Hall, Manhatten, Crimes and Misdemeanors and Husbands and
Wives) reflect modernity - risk and reflexsivity. For theoreticla input I
am sing Anthony Giddens "Modernity and Self-Identity", Ulrich Beck`s "Risk
Society". I`also be refering to works by Erving Goffman.
   I`d appreciate input both when it comes to perspectives on how to view
the films and on my theoretical framework.
(please forward replys to my directly aswell)