----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Allan Siegel inquires as to the goals of my employer. I'm sure if he calls
310-843-3699 Joe Piechowski will be happy to send him a complete catalog of
publications and a free sample of any one he wishes to peruse. Generally, the
organization was established out of Collier and Horowitz's "Second Thoughts"
project of the late 1980's. The purpose was to research how totalitarian
intellectual ideas discredited around the world still held such a spell over
gullible American academics, journalists, and Hollywood types.  Also, the
question came up of how dissenting moderate and conservative viewpoints,
especially liberal anti-communist ones -- represented say by Elia Kazan --
were squeezed out of the cultural mainstream. My own particular area of study
was the role of federal funding in this process, beginning with a study of
PBS, then expanding to the NEA and NEH, now looking at the Smithsonian. It's
no secret, and its all in the various publications: Heterodoxy, The Defender,
The Report Card, and COMINT, for which I am Washington Editor.
Quite frankly, I find Dr. Siegel's insinuations insulting and ask him to
respond frankly by sharing his goals openly and those of his employers. Would
they include "progressive social change"?
Yours sincerely,
Larry Jarvik