----------------------------Original message---------------------------- ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- VOX POPULI : Adding something to my earlier posting about calling PBS and registering your opinions Re: its privatization (i.e. annihilation) as per Newton Gingrich. Call 1-800-CPB-2190 ******* Rest assured, some of us are calling the opinion line *daily* and encouraging our friends, family and co-workers at our day jobs to do the same. I agree that most of the programming on PBS is neither elitist nor liberal, although the independent film production company I work with would fall into the latter category. Chances are the program that funded our last film, ITVS (Indepedent Television Service), will be the first CPB program to be cut, so hounding the powers is now part of my job description. Melissa Cahill (Tonelli) [log in to unmask]