----------------------------Original message----------------------------
In searching for a good practical book on acting for the camera for use in my
classes at Seattle Central and at the University of Washington, I found only
a few of any real practical worth that also kept "the big picture" (pun
intended) in mind.  They were Pudovkin's classic study FILM TECHNIQUE AND
FILM ACTING and Mary Ellen O'Brien's FILM ACTING.  Yet neither of these
discussed the day to day shooting reality of the film actor in real detail.
 So, having spent 18 years of my life as a working actor in Los Angeles and
other locations, I wrote a book myself.  It is called THE CAMERA SMART ACTOR
and is published by Smith and Kraus (October, 1994).  Does anyone know of
other texts that cover the film and television actor's craft in pragmatic
detail and in historical context?  I would love to know what film acting and
directing teachers are using to help them teach acting for the camera. I
would like to send my course outline, goals and outcomes for comment but
cannot seem to do it through America On Line.  Is there another way?